January 14, 2025

What You Need to Know About 2022 Healthcare in Colorado

Health insurance is what protects you and your family in the event of an illness or injury. Should you get sick and not be able to afford your insurance premiums, you may be stuck paying out of pocket for medical expenses that you should be able to get covered by your insurance. Keep reading to learn what you need to know about health care insurance in Colorado.

Embrace Open Enrollment Period First

The open enrollment period in Denver refers to the time when employees can sign up or make changes to their health insurance plan for the next calendar year. As long as you’re not covered by Health First Colorado, Medicaid, Medicare, or job health insurance, you’ll be eligible to sign up for changes to your health insurance during open enrollment. Even better, if your income may have caused you to be ineligible in 2021, in 2022, you have a better chance at getting new savings on health insurance. During open enrollment, you’ll also want to think about your mental health, as research shows 19% of adults are currently experiencing a mental illness. If you live in Denver, now is the time to prioritize your health by exploring how your financial situation could be improved with savings on health insurance.

You Need Decision Making Smart Tools

Finding the right insurance provider can be a complex and challenging process. For Denver health insurance plans, you need to know what your medical problems are, the medications you need to take, and the kind of providers you think you’ll need to work with. For 2022, new savings are here thanks to the American Rescue Plan Act which provided stimulus payments and economic relief to the city governments, individuals, and businesses. Still, all of this information is difficult to navigate without enrollment assistance like support hotlines, customer support chat boxes, and a knowledge base to streamline all of the information into an easily digestible format. The more access you have to information regarding insurance, the better informed your decisions will be, especially if now is a time when you’re focused more on health insurance savings. There is also the chance that medical procedures can go wrong, as wrong-site surgeries are performed an estimated 40 times per week. This fact only proves the point that, as a health insurance recipient, you need online tools and applications to make learning about health insurance less complicated.

Learn About Qualifying Life Events and Pre-existing Conditions

From the involuntary loss of coverage to divorce, marriage, achieving U.S. citizenship status, and making a permanent move, there are qualifying life events that will help you qualify for a special enrollment period. If you’re making a change to your health insurance or signing up for new coverage, these life events can make signing up for new coverage a real hassle. This special enrollment period falls outside the open enrollment period that almost everyone can enter and also meets the needs of anyone who’s lost Medicare or Medicaid insurance or has turned 26 and no longer receives coverage through a parent’s plan. Additionally, if you have any pre-existing conditions, the law prevents health insurers from denying you coverage or overcharging you. Pre-existing conditions won’t include issues like dental problems, as the average length of time a person will need to wear braces is about 2 years. But checking with your insurance provider on what’s covered and what isn’t is one of the best ways to save money on health insurance in 2022.

Health insurance in 2022 will be easier for consumers throughout the U.S. than it was in 2021. New laws make it impossible for companies to charge you more for pre-existing conditions, while an increase in enrollment assistance tools will give any health insurance buyer some peace of mind. In Denver, taking care of your health begins with taking care of yourself and making sure you have the protection you need.

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