October 24, 2024

Skateboarder Smashes Windshield of McLaren Supercar That Blew Stop Sign

mclarenFrom the Republican Convention in Cleveland to various Black Lives Matter protests around the country, it increasingly seems we live in a nation divided. However, one new viral video clip is garnering predominantly positive reviews from most viewers.

According to Carbonated.TV, a skateboarder smashed the windshield of a McLaren MP4-12C after the driver allegedly almost took him out with his reckless driving. The supercar, which reportedly retails for about $250,000, can be seen in a video uploaded to Youtube by Paul Gonzo.

As Gonzo films the sunset outside Little Man Ice Cream in Denver, the orange McLaren can be scene pulling right up to and past a stop sign and into the crosswalk. The video doesn’t show the actual incident or what happened, but soon a kid comes into the shot and can be seen running down the street with skateboard in hand and what appears to be a passenger in the McLaren right behind him, presumably in an attempt to serve up some justice of his own.

According to reports, the car caused the skateboarder to crash when it abruptly forced its way into the crosswalk he’d been skating. After brief words were exchanged between the driver and skateboarder, a crash sound was heard by Gonzo and the resulting smashed windshield is revealed. It’s unclear what exactly happened, but a reasonable person can put the pieces together.

Skateboarding was an incredibly popular sport in the 90s and remains a significant part of youth culture today. Approximately 11 million people self-report that they enjoy skateboarding on a regular basis. It also has a somewhat deserved reputation of vandalism and delinquent tendencies. In this particular case though, the online community seems to be fully in support of the rough-and tumble skateboarder and against the seemingly privileged supercar owner.

“Ok giving props to the skate boarder. I don’t care what car you drive you stop at signs. That area looks pretty damned busy so the driver should have a bit more caution with those around him,” commented youtube user Darth_Chain.

“I live in Denver and I’ve seen this guy driving like an a*****e,” wrote attr_reader. “I can’t say anyone deserves this but I’ve seen him pull off some stupid antics.

Skateboard angst may not be loved by all, but at least for a day, it seems to have brought a lot of Americans together.

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