October 22, 2024

Tips on Travelling Across State Sustainably


When you want to travel across Colorado through Denver sustainably, you’ll need to equip yourself with expert tips that can make your journey smooth and good for the environment. While some modes of travel like walking may be the most sustainable way to get around town, they won’t work for traveling from one end of a state to another. Still, you can do little things to reduce your carbon footprint and avoid impacting the earth in negative ways while you travel if you plan.

Eco-Friendly Travel Options Are on the Rise

While the popularity of eco-friendly options might seem like it’s met with resistance from some populations, the truth is that we’ve come a long way as a society in terms of how we view sustainable travel efforts even within the past few years. Since five years ago, hostel travelers have become 65% more inclined to select eco-friendly options for their lodging according to HostelWorld Group. Although this doesn’t mean that everyone who considers staying in an eco-friendly accommodation for the night will ultimately choose the best option for the planet, it’s refreshing to know that folks are less resistant or hesitant to stay somewhere that may make business choices that are better for the environment.

Many factors may contribute to this change in the opinions and actions of travelers. For one, we see a lot more marketing efforts from companies to popularize eco-friendly options than we did years ago. While “green-washing” is not without its drawbacks, it’s helpful that the idea of something being sustainable isn’t as uncommon as it used to be.

It can also be helpful that some travelers are choosing eco-friendly options and referring them to their friends or fellow travelers. When folks know that they should be able to trust the quality of a sustainable option for traveling, they’ll be more likely to try it. If they try it once and have a positive experience, they’ll be inclined to give it a chance again.

Traveling Is Common, Too

When you add up all of the miles that American vehicles have traveled as a collective, it would tally up to trillions of miles monthly, according to Ellis and Thomas PLLC. Since we can’t tell people not to travel, we have to present them with viable, sustainable options. As a traveler, you may want to have upgrades performed on your vehicle that make it more sustainable or travel through mixed modes of transportation that reduce your carbon emissions for a whole trip.

Get Involved in the Community

While travelers probably won’t be able to plant trees where they travel, it can be a great bonding experience to volunteer with folks along the way in your travels to plant trees. After all, trees actively combat climate change. They do this by lowering the temperature outside by up to 9 degrees Fahrenheit, according to J&C Tree Experts.

If you’re simply passing through an area, you can make little choices that reduce your impact on the environment. Collecting your trash and properly disposing of waste can make a huge difference in the sustainability level of your trip. Sometimes, waiting until you go somewhere that has recycling bins can be better for the environment than tossing your trash in any trash receptacle or, worse, chucking it out the window onto the highway when you’re driving through somewhere.

As you plan a road trip through the state from Denver to wherever your next destination may be, you’ll want to be intentional about your sustainable choices. Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in all of the stressful details of traveling and forget that you’re going to interact with nature every step of the way. With the beautiful mountains of this state, you wouldn’t want to contribute to the environmental issues while you’re there by making unsustainable choices that hurt the environment. If you don’t know how to make your trip sustainable, take advantage of online travel resources.

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