October 24, 2024

Ways You Can Protect Your Home, Vehicle, and Denver Community During the Winter

Every area in Denver is subjected to severe winter weather impacts. Winter storms may range from moderate snow lasting for a few hours to a blizzard which may last for several days. Individuals are advised to familiarize themselves with advisories and weather alerts to help them be prepared.

How to Protect Your Denver Home During Winter

Install Metal Roofing

One of the best roofing materials recommended by professional Denver roofers is metal roofing. Metal roofs make a home a better place and come in a variety of profiles and colors.

Metal Roofing Material Types:

Steel: Steel is a widely used roofing material and is mainly recommended for homes located in windy regions. The main reason why most homeowners in Denver prefer such materials for roofing is their sturdiness, and manufacturers ensure that steel does not rust by applying a zinc layer.

Aluminum: Since not all roofing contractors have the proper skills to do aluminum roofing installation, hiring a qualified Denver roofer is crucial. Aluminum is lightweight and corrosion-resistant and is an eco-friendly option since it is obtained from recycled materials.

Benefits of Metal Roofing Include:

Stands the Test of Time: Longevity is one attribute that makes the metal roof stand out. If properly installed and maintained, it can last 50 years and more, depending on the material used.

Inherently Fire Resistant: Metal roofs are non-combustible, which is essential for areas prone to wildfires. Metal roofs are Class A roofing materials with the highest resistance to fire.

Requires Minimal Maintenance: Low maintenance is another benefit of metal roofing.

Metal roof maintenance entails:

  • Cleaning the gutters
  • Eliminating moss on the surface of a roof
  • Installing roof insulation
  • Cutting dead tree branches

Seal Air Leaks

Keep the inside of the house warm as much as possible by sealing cracks around trim, windows, and baseboards. The approach helps save extra energy costs and fills the warm air in the home.

Invest in a Home Generator

Install a standby generator with the help of an expert to keep the heating system, fridge, and lights running when there are power outages. Research to establish the sort of generator which suits the family’s needs. Consult a seasoned Denver electrician before installation, and never run the generator inside the house.

How to Protect Your Vehicle During Winter

Park Indoors or With an Overhead Cover

Fresh snow may not have detrimental effects on the car; that said, it results in moisture damage once it melts, and an overhead cover keeps it away from the vehicle. Car owners are advised not to park in places where there is snow build-up to minimize the possibility of rust at the bottom of the car.

Use a Windshield Cover

Snow and ice accumulating on the windshield are dangerous and usually take quite some time before melting. Investing in a windshield ice cover is necessary. Use a sizeable piece of cardboard, place it over the windshield and remove it in the morning along with accumulated snow and ice.

Avoid Getting Salty

Ice melting salt eats away and corrodes both the vehicle’s underside and the paint. Salt is essential as it keeps the roads safe from snow and ice but causes winter-time damage. Reports indicate that each American household spends at least $4400 on car purchases every year; therefore, washing off the salt from the vehicle’s surface minimizes the corrosion damage and, consequently, the maintenance costs.

How to Help Your Community During Winter

Donate Winter Clothes

At the onset of winter, individuals are advised to go through various cold-weather gear and establish if there is anything they can donate to local shelters. Warm coats, boots, hats, scarves, and mittens can be helpful to those with no access to such clothing.

Feed the Hungry

Well-off people may consider donating hot meals to those in need, such as neighbors who cannot secure supplies. If a person knows the recipient of a meal, keeping allergies and diets in mind is essential.

Adopt a Family

Establish whether local organizations have programs that support low-income families, especially during the holidays. A well-wisher is usually given a wish list and the age of every person in the family to customize the donations that best suit their needs. Places of worship, local children’s aid societies, and shelters usually run holiday hamper programs. In 2020 alone, charitable dollars were split among the listed entities, public society (10%), grant-making foundations (12%), human services (14%), education (15%), and religion (28%).

Cold temperatures and winter storms may be dangerous at times. Stay healthy and safe by planning, preparing for outdoor activity and power outages, preparing the home and vehicles, and constantly checking on older adults.

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