Artificial Intelligence Will Be Taking A Backseat In 2019 Content Marketing

It’s no secret that artificial intelligence is revolutionizing digital marketing. From voice search technology to computer-generated blog content, AI has been making a big impact on digital marketing strategy and customer service.
“Artificial intelligence is an important trend to watch in 2019,” said Albert Perez of A+ Digital Marketing, a Vancouver-based SEO and web design company. “Almost 50% of digital marketers are already using AI in some form, and there is no doubt more marketers will being using AI technology in 2019.”
In fact, AI has revolutionized the digital marketing industry so much that not only is it an important trend to watch for in 2019 but so is its pushback trend of natural intelligence.
Natural Intelligence: The Pushback Trend Of 2019
Natural intelligence is a trend that’s been creeping up alongside the rise of computerization in design and marketing. Handcrafted, vintage designs started trending in 2016 in the graphic design industry and that trend has only grown.
“We live in a super-digital world, which means there are tons of designs that are super-clean, sharp and sleek,” said Andrea Stan, a graphic designer and lettering artist. “But there is such a beauty in a hand-drawn piece, with all of its imperfections. And in 2018, I’ve noticed a repeating pattern in style preferences from clients, in that they seem to be attracted to things that look organic and human made.”
This isn’t just a trend that’s been growing in the design world. The demand for human made, organic work has also been growing in the world of content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO).
“The best way to ensure that your website gets top listings and maintains good search engine rankings, is to have a dedicated specialist that is a human being handling this for you,” said Kristin Lee from ikan-ikon, an SEO and web design marketing service.
Sam Insalaco of SEO company Brewroom agrees, saying, “I believe there will be more of a trend of being human across the digital marketing landscape. We spend a lot of time trying to automate things, and make things simpler, but the teams that do the best job of being human are the ones that will reap the biggest rewards.”
But why the emphasis on being human? Lee says it’s becaused automated emails, while saving you money, aren’t going to care about helping your clients become successful in their niche markets.
What artificial intelligence offers in speed and efficiency it lacks in personalization and client-oriented content. That’s where natural intelligence can meet the needs of one of the other growing digital marketing trends for 2019: client-oriented content.
The Need For Client-Oriented Content
Backlinks can help to build your website’s search ranking, but Ryan Redding from DP Marketing Services says not to obsess about them.
“Google seems to be making some seismic shifts with the fundamental of SEO,” Redding said. “And by that, I mean EAT: expertise, authoritativeness, and trust.”
This is where natural intelligence comes in with your content marketing. While artificial intelligence may be able to create content, Jonas Sickler of Reputation Management says, “SEO-focused content must be written by credentialed authors with an established online reputation as an industry expert.”
What sets content written by credential authors apart from content written by artificial intelligence? Personalization.
“Having perfectly written and optimized content isn’t enough if you aren’t personalizing the buyer journey and aligning that with your SEO efforts,” said Janet Bartoli from Strategy Rework.
Salma Mokbel of Liles Parker agrees, stating that law firm websites that are static are falling further and further behind. “Now, more than ever before, it is important that law firms establish an active, relevant presence with useful client-oriented content,” Mokbel said.
How Can Client-Oriented Content Be Optimized?
James Fix of Undercover Services points out that digital marketing trends are hot this year. “[We] have high targets … in all area digital marketing services,” Fix said. But content marketing and client retention are some of the biggest trends companies need to focus on in 2019.
“Client retention is becoming more and more difficult as digital media become a bigger part of marketing budgets and competition increases,” said Eric Hebert from Evolver.
How, then, can you optimize your content for client retention this year? Use your experienced human experts to write long-form content.
“Longer content gives readers more ‘shareable moments,’ gives other publishers more useful information to link to, and offers a better chance at rising to the top of niche keywords and searchers,” said James Joyce of McNutt & Partners.
“The recent study by Brian Dean and BuzzSumo points to the truth of this,” Joyce said, “longer content means more backlinks, and smart writer will capitalize on the opportunity.”