March 3, 2025

What Can Denver Residents Do to Reduce Clothing Waste?

Denver is one of the most beautiful cities you could live in but is still not without its problems. One problem that has Denver residents interested in is the increase and impact of clothing waste on the community. When clothing waste accumulates, residents can expect more trash that could be recycled and a much heavier impact on the environment. Fortunately, there are a few ways Denver residents can reduce clothing waste in their city.

Give Clothes to Friends and Relatives

The easiest and fastest way to reduce clothing waste is to give your old clothing to friends and relatives. Items might fit them better, or, they might look better on their bodies than they would on yours. It’s common for siblings to resent each other for having nicer clothes than the other, so handing some over is worth the effort. Additionally, giving your clothes to friends and family can help them save money on buying clothes themselves. Just think about the reality that, in Denver, a nice shirt could cost you $20. Over time, those purchases add up and can make it difficult for residents to afford the clothing they need. Therefore, you should be on the lookout for friends who are interested in some of your clothes. There’s a good chance that friends and relatives will ask at least once in their lifetime for clothes.

Donate Clothes to Local Organizations

Another way to help reduce clothing waste is to donate clothes to charitable organizations. There are plenty of organizations that recognize the value of donated clothing. Goodwill, for example, will sell them to low-income customers at a discounted price. And, churches and schools have the added benefit of distributing clothing to both guests and students. The end result is a community that’s looking out for each other’s best interests. Especially during the winter, donating clothes has the ability to have a significant impact. All over the world, people are forced to live without shoes and basic clothing, a serious problem that contributes to homelessness and crime. So, when donating to an organization, keep in mind that you’re doing a good deed. Pick an organization based on research and reviews. In 2020, there was an increase in the number of consumers who read online reviews. Now, that’s 87% of consumers, up from 81% in 2019. The more positive reviews about the organization, the greater they’ll be compassionate, trustworthy people.

Buy Used Clothing

If you want to cut down on clothing waste, buy clothing that’s already been used. But first, let’s be honest: the problem with this solution is that you have to see the impact on the environment. At the very least, buying used clothes prevents them from being trashed in the end. Most used clothes sold in stores are not going to be in circulation for very much longer. Therefore, you should still take as much time, as usual, to browse through the selections. For example, you might find a Velcro-backed patch in a store for cheap. After all, they’re popular with clients due to their ease of use and the way you can switch to custom embroidered patches without damaging the apparel. The more adjustments you know how to make to your clothing, the wider the selection of clothing you can choose from. In Denver, being able to buy and wear used clothing won’t just have an impact on the environment, but on your wallet as well.

Throw Away a Little At a Time

The more clothing that’s thrown away at once, the faster landfills can be filled up before more space is made available. Almost 84% of clothing ends up in landfills or incinerators. Why is that alarming? Well, in New York City alone, more than 400 million pounds of clothes are wasted every year. That means that there are a lot of residents in Denver who are throwing away clothes they don’t have to toss. If you give it a second thought, you might want to store clothing properly, throwing it away a little at a time as you come up with the best decisions to save space. Throwing away your clothing doesn’t have to be a huge event. If there’s absolutely no place else to go, the trash can be the best option, as long as you have a limit on how much you toss.

Denver residents have become wary of clothing waste over the years. Fortunately, these four tips will help residents avoid throwing away too many clothes at once. At the very least, you can give your old clothes to family and friends. As a Denver resident, you might be surprised by how easy it is to help people by donating old clothes.

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