Denver Small Business Tip – Generate Signups with Instagram

Ideally, an email list is probably the best asset that you can have to ensure growth for your business. Why? This is because your email list is one thing that will stay unaffected even if there is a lot of a change made in the Google Algorithm or advertising account ban.
Irrespective of whatever happens in the online marketing world, it is only your email list that will be able to give you a direct line of communication always with the people with whom you want to converse with and who wants to hear from you. These are actually the people who are interested in buying your products or services.
Research suggests that:
- More than 80% of retail professionals find that email is the greatest driver for them when it comes to customer retention and
- More than 59% of Business to Business marketers find that email is the most effective tool and channel for more revenue generation.
However, this does not mean that you should not diversify your ways in which you can build your email list. After all, if you use only one channel to build your email list the rate of growth of your email list will be most vulnerable to any changes that may be made within that channel, according to experts.
Therefore, you should make diversification your priority.
Using the Instagram platform
You can use one of the lesser known, albeit surprisingly, ways you can build your email list. It is by using the Instagram platform.
For most of the people, using the Instagram platform to build their email list may sound like a very weird concept but if you know the facts and the right ways to use it then you will know that it is neither strange nor very difficult to use it for your beneficial purpose. You can buy real Instagram likes and at the same time grow your email list.
How you can use this Instagram platform to build your email list depends on your knowledge and the tactics that you need to follow to get more and more people on your email list. There are also a few more advanced approaches apart from the standard one to grow your email list.
But, to make the best use of the processes it is important that you know how exactly the processes work.
Typically, the concept of generating more email signups by using the Instagram platform may seem to be a bit confusing if you do not know the working process. There are ideally a few common steps followed through which you can generate more email sign-ups using Instagram. These are:
- Giving people a valid and good enough reason to sign up to your email list
- Creating and finding your ideal audience on Instagram platform
- Placing a useful and relevant link to the email list in the bio section of your Instagram account and
- Asking the people to join your list.
This is actually a four-part process that will allow you to generate more signups to your email list when you want to do so using the Instagram platform.
In order to make this process work exceptionally well for you there are a few things that you should know and do such as:
- You will first need to ensure that you exactly know the reason as to why people would signup to your email list
- Then, you will need to figure out who your target audience is and
- Lastly, what kind of incentives they want to be driven to signup to your email list.
When you know these facts, you will then need to curate and find your highly targeted audience on the Instagram platform. This is the audience who will be typically receptive to your requests of signing up to your email list.
Once you are sure that you know these audiences and you have built up an audience according to your profile, you can then let the same audience to know about your email list. This will provide with the knowledge regarding the benefits of signing up with your email list.
Offer a good reason
Fundamentally, the process of generating more email list sign-ups using Instagram is actually nothing different to generating signups using any other medium but there is a significant difference when you approach it in the right way.
The people must be provided with a very good reason as to why they should sign with your email list and not that of your competitors.
One of the easiest ways to encourage the people to signup to your email list is by offering them some incentives in exchange for sharing their email address. This incentive will depend largely on the kind of business you do but typically there are three different ways in which you can get more and more people to signup to your email list. These are:
- Offering a free trial
- Offering a discount code and
- Offering some type of information that the target audience would love and enjoy consuming.
Well, it may be a bit intimidating for you to know what specific type of investment to offer to the people to sign up for your email list, especially when it is said that the incentives may vary according to the type of your business. Here are a few examples that will make things much clearer to you.
- If you run an ecommerce site the best incentive to give people to get them to signup to your list is by providing a discount code.
- If you run a SaaS business then probably the best way to encourage people to sign up for your email list is to offer them with a free access to something like a 14-day trial.
- Alternatively, you may also provide them with a piece of content for free if you are dealing with educational products.
Therefore, consider your approaches according to the preferences of your customers as well as their buying journey to provide them with the best reason to sign up for your email list.
Author Bio
Walter Moore is a notable management consultant and digital marketing expert. He is an experienced digital marketer and has helped e-commerce businesses in all niches gain with his effective marketing strategies and guidance.