March 4, 2025

With Most Denver Residents Covered By Health Insurance, Cosmetic Procedures on the Rise

surgical instruments in kidney tray

Plastic surgery is on the rise for Denver residents — and these days, cosmetic procedures focus less on the face and more on the backside.

According to a Feb. 27 KOAA article, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has found that the number of rear-end lifts and silicone implants nearly doubled between 2013 and 2014. Call it the Kim Kardashian or Nicki Minaj effect — whatever it is, it’s by far the biggest trend in cosmetic surgery.

Denver’s current cosmetic surgery market largely reflects nationwide trends. As is the case across the country, women make up the majority of plastic surgery candidates; about 81% of these procedures were performed on women in 2013. American women, in addition to wanting rear-end augmentations, are increasingly preferring subtle, minimally-invasive facial procedures. Approximately 14 million Botox injections and fillers were administered in 2014, the ASPS found.

“Modern anti-aging and aesthetic medicine is so well-developed that there is no reason to be afraid to reap its benefits,” says Anna of Anna’s Cosmetics. “The most important thing is not to get obsessed about a particular imperfection and throw your life’s resources on fixing it. You must have a sober outlook on the type of aesthetic procedure needed and if your choice is wrinkle correction with a use of Botox, you must clearly understand what it involves and the kind of results and side effects to expect. And of course, it is absolutely necessary to use a qualified and licensed specialist. ”

Coloradans in particular are turning to these minimally-invasive procedures to reduce the signs of aging, according to Halle Friedman, RN, of Colorado Springs-based Robert Andrews Laser and Medical Aesthetics.

“By having less oxygen in our blood, we seem to not profuse as well on our skin and therefore we have signs of aging at an exponential rate versus other parts of the country,” Friedman told KOAA.

Apart from wanting to look one’s best and maintain a youthful, healthy appearance, Denver residents have another great reason to turn to a cosmetic procedure or two — as 94% of the city is currently covered by health insurance.

According to the Denver Post, the Affordable Care Act’s 2014 implementation brought health care to more than 71,000 people who were previously uninsured. With more affordable access to health care, Denver residents now have more income to put toward cosmetic surgery.

According to Practical Dermatology, “One of the biggest trends in the aesthetics space is the growth of treatment for excess fat and for body contouring. A recent consumer survey from the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery shows that 84% of individuals interested in cosmetic treatments are interested in something to treat excess fat. A number of energy-based devices are available to target excess fat. For the right patient, treatments can show benefit in just a few weeks, and most treatments have little to no downtime. This survey by the ASDS also found that a remarkable percentage of consumers are considering a cosmetic treatment—70 percent!”

And Lauryn Evarts Bosstick of The Skinny Confidential says, “I see a huge trend of preventative beauty and things like facial massage, preventative skin care, lymphatic drainage, Botox, and staying out of the sun will be the new normal.”

Whatever reason one may have for turning to cosmetic surgery, one thing is clear — Denver might soon become one of the best-looking cities in the entire country.

“Our goal is to make everybody feel comfortable and confident with their individual appearance, and help people to find their sense of empowerment and enlightening self-confidence,” says Trifecta Med Spa‘s medical director Dr. Edward Fruitman, M.D.

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