What You Need to Know Before Getting a Divorce in Denver

There’s a good reason why getting a divorce is considered to be a major life change. It generally makes life different for both parties in a major way, and it’s therefore not to be taken lightly. That said, if you’re wondering how you can prepare for a divorce in Denver, read on to see the most important things to do.
The first thing that you need to know before getting a divorce in Denver is that there are different divorce strategies that you can go with. While researching, you’ll learn that Denver is a no-fault divorce state. This means that you and your spouse simply need to state that your marriage can’t be fixed and the process of dissolution will be started. You’ll also find out that a divorce that’s uncontested is one where both spouses agree on all the issues of the divorce. In this case, extensive negotiation and litigation isn’t necessary because there’s nothing to contest. Both parties will agree to go along with the divorce and so they can sit down and talk about the details, saving themselves valuable time and money.
Seek Legal Representation
If you don’t already have an attorney, you must look for one. This is because a divorce attorney will advise you accordingly on the steps to follow and guide you on how to get the best outcome from the entire process. With an attorney, you’ll have an easier time understanding what’s going on and you’ll also be able to get the requirements in order easily enough. The fees that you’ll pay for legal representation will afford you peace of mind and may make the divorce a reasonably easy process for you to go through with. For the best outcome, look for an attorney with vast experience representing people who want to get divorced in Denver.
Prepare Your Paperwork
Next, there’s bound to be a lot of paperwork involved in a divorce. In order to get the best outcome, you must know the necessary paperwork and prepare it well in advance. You can make the divorce move faster and get a better outcome when you don’t have to search high and low for a specific document that needs to be used in the finalization of the divorce. Since almost 50% of all marriages in the United States are going to end in separation or divorce, you may have an easy time finding out what documents you’ll need for a divorce in your state if you search online. For Denver, these include state-required forms like the petition, summons, and case information, custody preferences, copies of identification, and legal marriage documents, including a prenuptial agreement if you have one. Getting these documents ready may be a tiresome task at this time, all things considered, so feel free to ask for help if you can.
Get Ready to Negotiate a Settlement
Finally, keep in mind that you’ll have the option of negotiating a settlement to wind up the divorce process. The court will ask for detailed accounts of property and financial information. There will be additional documentation required if the marriage resulted in children or if either party is asking for maintenance or alimony. Mediation is ordered so that the parties can come to an agreement, and if mediation yields no results, a hearing is scheduled. On average, the first marriage that ends up in divorce last for around eight years. A lot can happen over this span, so it’s good to be prepared to work through the process.
Keep these things in mind before you get a divorce in Denver. It may help you have the process over in a short time and with minimal stress to you.