March 4, 2025

Microsoft Partners With Imagemaps to Ensure Global Assistance for Customers

Imagemaps Pte. Ltd., a sensor solutions provider, is, according to Microsoft, the first non-Microsoft calibration and support center to be operating within the multinational Ultracam service network. The lab and service center, which is based out of Singamore, will allow Microsoft’s Ultracam company service to accept calls from anymore in the world, at any time.

Imagemaps first opened its support center in 2012. Since then, it has completed over a dozen camera calibrations, and has worked with many customers throughout the Asia-Pacific area. The company works with a wide range of customers. Some are simply hobbyists with a single camera, while others are multinational survey companies that deal with camera systems worth millions of dollars.

Tan Tong Gee, Imagemap’s Chief Engineer, explains that the company’s goal is to help customers solve problems quickly and efficiently. “Time is of the essence from the moment the camera is dispatched to the calibration lab to the time it arrives back in the country of origin ready again for service,” says Gee.

One of the reasons Microsoft became interested in Imagemaps was its quick response rate. Imagemaps invested in developing an infrastructure that allows them to process inventory in a highly efficient manner, so as to ensure the shortest possible wait time for their customers. “We have vast experience and are able to work together seamlessly to turn cameras around as quickly as possible,” explains Lee Hon Chuan, Imagemaps’ Service Center Manager.

Ultracam, which is owned by Microsoft, has been in operation for the past two decades, and has support teams in Austria, the U.S., and now it will have a team in Singapore as well. Microsoft says it has given Imagemaps employees extensive training in order to help them with general support matters.

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