10 Unique Jobs to Consider in Denver

If you’re a potential worker looking for an opportunity in the Denver job market, you may be surprised to learn that you have more potential opportunities than you realize. The traditional job market has evolved significantly over the last decade. Here’s a look at some unique jobs currently on the market.
1. Casino Manager
Casino Managers oversee everything throughout the environment. While you may get hired without at least obtaining a bachelor’s degree, you will need at least a few years of experience in a similar position. As a casino manager, your responsibilities will likely include handling the staff, balancing the budget, overseeing payouts, handling customer complaints, and adhering to federal gaming regulations.
2. Flooring Installers
Flooring installers lay down wood, carpet, tile, and other materials. Formal education isn’t a requirement for many positions, and you can get started by shadowing an experienced worker. According to the National Wood Flooring Association, the hardwood flooring industry employs over 40,000 people in the United States, contributes $4 billion to gross domestic product, and generates over $8 billion in economic output, making it a great choice!
3. Art Therapist
Art therapy is a unique job that combines therapy and art to help ailing parents. As an art therapist, you will develop strategies to help your patients lower their stress levels and improve their stress levels and improve their self-esteem. Be aware that you must complete a psychology or counseling course to qualify for this position.
4. Environmental Remediation Worker
According to a recent study, the remediation and environmental cleanup services industry employs over 87,000 people in the United States. This is an opportunity to consider if you are passionate about the environment. There are polluted areas around Denver that need industrial work. In the past, some companies would release hazardous waste into the environment. Harmful chemicals would leak into rivers and lakes. As an environmental remediation worker, you’ll help clean up polluted areas, so they can be restored back to their natural condition. You could also get a job in the industry as a cartographer or engineer. Cartographers create maps of the polluted areas while engineers help brainstorm the most productive ways to clean the area.
5. Food Scientist
Food scientists help develop healthy food that’s safe for people to consume. You’ll conduct different experiments to help eliminate the number of bacteria in food. You may develop unique food processing strategies to keep people from getting sick. You could also find a position developing unique flavors through performing research and clinical trials.
6. Hippotherapist
If you love helping people while working with animals, consider becoming a hippotherapist. Your patients will ride horses as a form of therapy to help improve their recreational and social skills.
7. Fuel Tank Driver
As a fuel tank driver, you’ll be responsible for transporting gas and other products. You’ll drive a special vehicle since you’re transporting flammable liquids. You could use the experience to eventually transfer into a dispense value driver. The primary driver for an increase in the use of dispense valves is the significant growth of adhesives and sealants, making this a growing field.
8. Clinical Ethicist
Your role as a clinical ethicist is to remain impartial while discussing different medical topics with doctors, patients, and families. Your job is to inform them, so they can make the best medical decision for their situation. You’ll be asked to make a neutral determination on issues such as stem cell research.
9. Live Mannequin
Live mannequin help attract potential customers. You’ll stand by different stores in different poses and outfits. Some stores prefer the mannequins to serve traditionally while others allow live mannequins to interact with customers. You’ll be asked to try on different outfits to ensure that everything fits properly before you start attracting customers.
10. Waterslide Testing
You’ll have the opportunity to try different water slides in amusement parks across the country. Your feedback will inform the company if the waterslide is safe for customers to use.
These are just a sample of the unique opportunities out there. Having an unconventional plan for your career could help you land a great job.